

Cholesterol is a fatlike substance that is synthesised in the liver and found in the brain, nerves, liver, blood, and bile, and is essential in the production of sex hormones, nerve function, and other vital processes. High cholesterol and triglyceride levels can lead to plaque filled arteries that impede blood flow to the brain, kidneys, genitals, extremities, and the heart. High cholesterol levels are the main cause of heart disease because the fatlike substance is deposited in the arteries. High cholesterol is implicated in gallstones, impotence, mental impairment and high blood pressure. Colon polyps and cancer (especially prostate and breast cancer) have also been linked to high cholesterol.

Understanding how cholesterol levels may be influenced by the diet and learning which foods will help to lower or maintain healthy cholesterol levels, together with improvement understanding of how the body processes cholesterol and what you can do to help this, will allow you to reduce and maintain your cholesterol levels healthily and through diet, natural supplementation and exercise.

For an appointment or to find out more please call 01794 5113153 or email