Natural Wellbeing Centre of Romsey
Privacy Statement
Written by Tania Sellwood, Director of Natural Wellbeing Centre of Romsey, May 2018 in line with GDPR.
Data is collected for the purposes of client identification and contact regarding appointments, treatments and prescriptions inline with insurance and accounting purposes. The following details will be taken on clients.
Upon your initial contact
Name, address, contact phone and email details.
Date of Birth
Doctors surgery
Details of any contra indications towards treatments and allergies known.
Any specific questions relating to your treatment
Throughout your time with the Centre, Record of visits will be kept
A record of all payments made, treatments given, date and practitioner will be kept to permit accurate records for accounting and insurance purposes as well as to be able to identify treatment patterns, timings and progress of care.
Storage of Records
Client contact forms, details of payments and visits will be kept for 2 years since the last treatment date in clinic, in a locked storage cabinet. These records will be kept paper based and on an Access database which is password protected on a laptop that is also password protected.
Any health questionnaires that are completed as part of your treatment will be kept together with your client record, paperbased and stored as above. There is not at any time an electronic version of this information kept.
Individual details of consultations / prescriptions given
Naturopathic clients will receive at their visit, printouts of Food Intolerances and other tests undertaken at the time of their visit. They will additionally receive a written prescription form. Only a paper copy of the prescription form will be kept together with any clinical notes in the clients file. Copies of the EAV tests will not be printed – and are only stored on the EAV device/laptop which is standalone and secured with passwords.
Access to records
Clients can ask to see records at any time.
Destruction of records
Records will be maintained for 2 years following the last visit at the clinic. They will then be archived securely off site until 7 full years following the last visit has passed. This is inline with Insurance requirements for medical and financial records.
You will be emailed in relation to your own enquiries and treatments as is needed for direct communication. You are also given the option to join a mailing list which we use soley for the purposes of easy communication to all clients, keeping you informed of activities at the centre, special offers and news items. You can unsubscribe at any time and this will not affect your right to visit the centre for further treatments.
For any further information on our storage of data or any other aspect of our GDPR compliance, please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss directly.
Tania Sellwood