Psoriasis comes from the Greek word psora meaning fine bran like scaling.
It affects <2% of the population. It usually occurs between the ages of 20 and 60, There appears to be a genetic component to the disorder as children of two psoriatic parents have a 75% chance of suffering with this complaint. Approximately 10 to 16% of psoriasis patients have antibodies to gliadin and may respond to a gluten free diet.
The cause of the skin disorder is unknown but is generally regarded as metabolic, as it affects the entire body not just the skin.
Psoriasis predisposes the individual to vascular occlusive conditions such as stroke, heart attack, blood clots and pulmonary embolism. The cholesterol and uric acid levels of psoriasis sufferers are in the high end of normal. Stress tends to bring out the psoriatic lesions.
Psoriasis can be interpreted as a defective reaction of the skin to injury: instead of normal cornification, the mitotic rate (cell division rate) in the epidermis increases to five times its normal level with formation of a pathological stratum corneaum.
Psoriasis most often affects the extensor surface of the extremities especially the arms and elbows. Other areas that can be involved include the side and back of the scalp, the perianal region, the extensor surfaces of the interphalangeal finger joints (where lesions resemble calluses) and the finger and toenails.
Nutrients that are of benefit in this condition ate folic acid, vitamin A, E, and B12, selenium, Zinc, glucosamine, essential fatty acids, lecithin and the application of Vitamin D3 to the lesion.
A Naturopathic consultation will allow you to have a look at the whole body systems to be able to identify and correct any imbalances, to give the body its natural strength to heal and repair itself. Getting onto the right diet, lifestyle and correct nutritional support will be details, specific for your own personal needs.
Call 01794 513153 or email today for an appointment.