with Tim Brooks, Tarot reader and teacher
Saturday 13th January 2024, 2pm – 4pm
Come and meet Tim Brooks, a highly respected Tarot reader who is going to help you learn more about Tarot, what it is and why you might choose to use it.
Tarot is a form of divination and can help people in all sorts of ways. It can be seen as pure “market intelligence” of what is likely to happen in the future.
It can give you an insight as to why things happened as they did.
It can help you make decisions about whether to do things or not.
These can range from relatively minor questions like say booking a holiday or going out on a date to major things like career changes and emigration.
Tim has been working professionally with people for over 25 years and his talk will bring the world of Tarot alive for you. There will be examples of various Tarot decks and spreads; real life examples and how you can learn and use the Tarot yourself. The talk will be approximately 2 hours with plenty of time for questions.
Refreshments will be provided. Cost is £5* per person.
*Redeemable against any Tarot reading or course taken in the next 3 months
Bookings are essential, Please email info@naturalwellbeingcentre.co.uk